The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Farnham, Frank Whiton (1853-1931)
Woodruff Date
June 3, 1904.
Mr. F. W. Farnham,
Maltine Company,
My dear Farnham:
I am disgusted with George Casson and am going to get rid of him at once. I am returning to you his check for last month for cancellation, as he owed me, for the sale of a couple of horses and one or two other things, after deducting the amount of his expenses to the first of June, $201.80, on which he was able to pay in cash only $100, which I received from him this morning. This, together with the $60. due him on the first of June, leaves him in my debt to the amount of $41.80. I take it that he is not charged with anything else on my books, is he? I will keep him with me a couple of days longer and turn out the two remaining horses I have, leaving the carriages, harness, etc., in the stable, the rent of which has been paid, I think, until the first of September, or is there one more payment on the 15th of June. Casson has been deteriorating dreadfully of late, as indicated by his failure to communicate with you, etc., and many of the bills, which he gave to me today (and which I enclose herewith) should have been sent to me long ago. You had better look carefully over these bills and see that none of the bills, which I am sending you, have been paid. Watch everything in connection with the stable matters as closely as possible, as I have lost all confidence in Casson.
Yours sincerely,