The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Benedict, Lorenzo (1861-1932)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
June 29, 1909.
Hon. T. L. Woodruff,
Sargent House,
New Haven, Conn.
My dear Governor:-
I received your resignation yesterday and used it today for the purpose of organizing our meeting. The temporary director resigned and you were re-elected as a director and as Vice-President of the Baldwin-Lester Corporation. There was some suggestion that Mr. Gayley be made President, and then Vice-President, but I did not want him in either position, because if our commercial experiments turn out all right we want you for President, and if Mr. Gayley were in either office it might make some bad blood to make the change. Now, however, it will work out smoothly.
We placed orders for our apparatus, and the latter part of the week Mr. Baldwin will go up in Cortland County (his old home) and find a farm that can produce 200 qts. of milk per day. We are going to charge this milk at the farm, then send it to New York and liberate the gas. We will deliver a quantity to Dr. Park, of the Health Department, and the balance of it to certain hospitals. Dr. Montgomery will work under Dr. Park and give the bacterial count of each day's milk, and we will take good care to get reports from the physicians at the hospitals as to its use among their patients. We are pushing everything along as fast as we can, so that we can make these tests in the hottest weather, which will give us advertising material to be used in the early fall.
Mr. English was at the meeting and was made Assistant Treasurer, and I was made Secretary and Treasurer. An executive committee was appointed same as in the Syndicate - Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Henderson and myself. Mr. Baldwin and I, however, will run the business.
Trusting you are having a good time at the reunion of your class, I am,
Yours very truly,
Lorenzo Benedict
P.S. --- In order to make our records complete, kindly sign the enclosed Waiver of Notice and return same to me.