Newman to Meleney, March 30, 1904

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Newman, Emma A.
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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New York, March 30-1904
529 West 113th Str.

My dear Mrs Meleney
I did not realize what a very serious time you were having, and was glad indeed to know that little Gracie is out of danger.
As my friends did not go to [Nachington] I remained here a little linger, came back froma visit at Greenwich, N.J. yesterdays after
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Noon. I feel that I have been quite a little of public school work. As the schools in Jersey City are in person this week I had a chance to see two of them, including the Training School.
What I have seen has only deepened my connection of the need of an entire change in the character of the work in the first years of school life.
I have met some my pleasant people and had some very interesting lakes with principals and training teachers.
Do you know that- that dreadful custom of mixing the children’s
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Clothing seems to be quite general. I saw it in some of the fine new school buildings where every faculty for [modulating] the clothing exists of what use [au] all the [auxilary] precautions of there is to be such an indiscriminate mixing of clothing?
I thought of stopping at the Board of Education yesterday to inquire how the children are getting on the remembered it- was vacation, and thought [mobably] I should not find Mr Meleney then. I expect now I stand for home Friday morning trusting this may find the children [reter] and your [auxcely] much lessened, I am
Yours my sincerely,
Emma A. Newman
[front sdie envelop]
From Emma Newman
Mrs. B. E. Meleney
428 Washington Ave
Brooklyn , N.Y.
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.