Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, May 7, 1915

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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383 Central Park West
New York City
May 7th,1915
My dear Carrie Cait Meleney,
Mt thoughts have been so frequently with you, - that your letter came almost - “as an answer”, - We are very, very sorry, and grieved, to hear that you have been - & are yet suffering; & the members of your family too. The “Grippe” is a terrible thing, Emma & I - we also have battled with the same since before Easter. Now- we begin to recuperate, - & it is goof to hear from friends. This will be the first real letter I am going to write. Dearest, - you will have to take “tender care” of yourself- so as to be th ejoy of the members of your large family. It is a real blessing. - your “invited” loving family. - Of course, you enjoyed reading about [Petluzze]- who is an inspiration
[page 2]
[Pestaluzze]- followed Rossau; - “to return to Nature.” Frobel was Pestalozzi' best pupil & follower. Mr Krays was a “true Pestaloggian” he knew Froebel, - & was a disciple of that great Man.- Froebel rose for beyond Pestalozzi’s ideal - in using objects, & His dominant ideal being “Self-activity”- he could not be satisfied with any educational process that ended with the development of the receptive & reflective powers. - Pestalozzi & Froebel inseparable The great [Disturbing] propagated and advanced both.- I will not enlarge upon this, -as you are aware of it- just as much as I am. - Do not trouble your dear mind- that you are unable to come to New York. We know- you are “with us”, - and - we are “with you”.- We love you- & - of course- miss you
[page 3]
You do not say anything about dear Grace! How you must miss, having her with you.- May 10th. I will finish this letter now. - From the Hughes family, Toronto I have had no news lately; the last I heard - was an about agonized letter from Mrs Hughes- because of her beloved San Chester- who joined the Army in Canada, - & has gone- we believe - with the rest “to the front”. Laura is the “comforter” in that dear family.- The War is “terrible”. God give us peace !- “Peace on Earth- to men of good will I pray .- The beautiful Park is in its glory - of the new “green”. - We send our love & good wishes to all the members of your family.- Good bye- for to day. Affectionately- always your Kgten Mother
Maria Kraus Boelte &
Emma Kraus

[front side envelop]
Mrs Clarence E Meleny,
509 Buckingham Road
East 16th Str
Brooklyn New York

[back side envelop]
From: Mrs J Kraus - 383 C.P. West, New York City
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.