Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, November 7, 1911

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
November 7th,11
My dear Mrs Meleney,
It is “ Election- day”,- and consequently- we had no session in ”Class”.- I wanted to write to you oh so many times; but you have no idea all of the work, trouble & tribulations we had to dispense and with. It would land too far- to attempt writing about it.- It was a pleasure - to see you at our last meeting, & to have you by my side at luncheon; although that gave me not the satisfaction- as
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I could have had you all “ by myself” myself.- I know, this sounds rather selfish! but then- I had not seen you for such a long- long!- I rejoice in my heart, to see you looking so well- and so happy. Surely- it is verified- that I always called the Meleney family : “ the happy family” family. Surely- your reward is on hand- for your ever-loving, faithful devotion to your family! Those Splendid boys of yours!
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How should I love to see you then!- I am busy- from 6:15 a.m. until 1:30 a.m.- and- with my “ simple” life,- I am well & “ feel happy”. my Emma has a part in that. What a golden heart she is!- dear Mrs. Meleney, I was and am extremely interested in the final “ I'll come” of who is to be a supervisor of Kgtners of Greater New York. The “ news” about it, I heard,- were uncertain I thought, by what doctor Maxwell wrote many months ago,- that- in appointing mrs. Curtis- the question was settled. But no- it seems not to be so !
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Mrs Glidden of Pratt- seems to be on the “eligible list”, - and I have taken the liberty , to address Mr Meleney about this. I consider her to be quite a remarkable woman; true to Froebel, & yet not “set”! Her preparation & learning , & experience also are remarkable. - Yu & Mr Meleny know, what I think about our able Anna Harvey! And I fully had hoped and expected- that she would come in consideration! Has she applied? Or does her modesty keep her back?
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I feel so “ helpless” in My Desire- to have the right person in the right place. When last I saw Anna Harvey- she did not express herself to me; and she appeared to be so devoted to Adelphi College! What will be the “ outcome” of it all ! Mr Maxwell's opinion- about Kgtens- I am sorry to see in the Papers. Surely- he does not, - can be
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Mean: that he considered the Kgten as an “intellectual preparation? Froebel meant it for “character building” - more than anything else! And just that is needed now-adays- when crime has because so “broad -spread”, - as the Papers tell us daily. Childhood must be encompassed in “Love”. And- also ! the fault of having not the right good results- can be found in the many poorly trained Kindergarteners! It seems- that Music is
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The “golden key” for position in Kgtens, - and - examination of higher grades, - where as the true knowledge & idea of Kgten Methods & Philosophy - receives the lesser attention- I hope, - you will pardon me- for this “outburst” - that had better not have been written down. But- to you , my dear & “ture” Kindergarten- daughter- it all came- “natural”, - as ever often formerly we might have talked the over- face to face, - and “heart to heart”
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Do “Tear” this letter, - & “forget it”. - My letter to Mr Meleney is a “formal” one- but “sincere”. - And - oh! How I should love to say “my say” about my beloved & able Anna Harvey! You know that; & you and Mr Meleny , both , have the like faith in her.- To- morrow, I understand- the “decision” & “appointment” will be made ! May the able men, who hold this in their hands- by guided by over Father in Heaven- for - it is somewhat a question of real or woe of “future generation”. - My love- to you & “yours”. God bless you all ! - I feel, as if I belonged a little bit to you ! - Affectionately- Yours as ever,
Maria Kraus - Boelte
[front side envelop]
Miss Harvey and Adelphi Kindergarten Philosophy Crime
Mrs Clarence E. Meleney
15. Wallington Court,
Brooklyn, New York

[back side envelop]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.