Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, April 7, 1900

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
[page 1]
Hotel San Remo. New York. April the Seventh. 1900.
My dear Mrs Meleney!

The hour of “weakness” was upon me - & you must forgive me for giving vent to it- when I looked into your loving eyes. I am so very alone-–& — – - where others find so much sympathy with those around them... I usually lock it up within myself; & then it happens one’s in a while – when meeting a “true Heart” that I “give-in”. Even though I have put up a little Easter- Hare nest for the Meleney family – – counting on your and Mr. meleney's native kindness and feeling of friendship for me not object to giving myself the pleasure of doing so; it gives me the delightful feeling as if I belonged a “wee bit” to you and yours! The little “fun” accompanied the same with-you will readily understand & leniently smile upon– I know. Please – do not open the box until Easter Sunday.

Even though I have written to Mr. Irwin Shepherd – secretary N.E.A. To tell of the prospect of having you at the Charleston Meeting. Please let me know at your earliest: how would you have termed the title of your address on the program? I am keeping very quiet in order to regain strength. Did you read the article on [illegible] that was in the “Sun” to day on N.Y. Kgtens–i.e. To day is Sunday & i commenced this letter yesterday the seventh. I can only write a little at a time. With love and greetings for a happy Easter-tide
Your loving kindergarten mother
Maria Kraus Boelte
April 8th
[front side envelop]
N.E.A- Charleston
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
#429. Washington Ave
Brooklyn N.Y. 46

[back side envelope]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West 74th & 75th St.
New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.