Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, December 8, 1909

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York, December 8, 09

My dear Mrs Meleney,
Truly sorry I am, that your strength has not returned so speedily as you hoped. However- you are growing stronger-& that is a blessing. Last year- I passed through similar struggles. The love for “ my work” helped to make me strong again; and- the love for your family- well make you strong again! think of it! what a great work you have done- & are doing- in bringing up to manhood those dine sturdy, intelligent boys- & your Gracie to a realization of “true Womanhood”. - Pray- save your strength - & do not force anything- by coming to our next Saturday’s meeting. Of course
I wrote to you- right after your return to Brooklyn, & hope you received that letter
[page 2]
We should be delighted to see you! But - not at a particle of your precious health & strength.- I have promised- to address our Association; but - I shall address them again- in mid - winter or towards Spring; and - what I have to say- is all meant towards a better knowledge of Froebel , & a strengthening of the true Kgten principles. Thus is the only may- I can come in contact with my dear former pupils.- I am busy with a class of bright young women.- No- we are not yest at our xmas preparation . We have too much other important work to do , I & my loved daughter are “happy” in our united work- & sweet intercourse. We often speak of you & yours.- May “blessings always be hovering over you and your’s - is my sincere wish - in which my Emma joins.
Maria Kraus Boelte

[front side envelop]
Mrs Clarence E. Meleney
370 Mc Donough Street
Brooklyn, New York

[back side envelop]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.