Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, February 10, 1899

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central Park West 74th & 75th St.
New York
Feb 10, 1900
My dear Mrs Meleney,
I never knew, that you could be “naughty”. And- behold- your letter- lovely as it is- - shows a little of it ! You did not take me from the others ! And - you are so good to me, that you permit me, to “ take” a little of your home interest, and
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“Meddle” with your children once in a while. You have no idea “how precious this is to me”. You must view this- for my sake- in that light, please.- And - about your “taking part” in the Charleston - Meeting, I never was in earnest, then when
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Asking you to favor me and the Association by accepting. Please- consider it, - and consider it “favorably”. I am sure, Mr Meleney will not be “against” it. Your sister would go with the children to Martha’s Vineyard; Anna Harvey would substitute & help arrange; and Mr Meleney would accompany you to Charleston, where he would
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Would meet “many friends”. And you, both would enjoy the trip. The Meeting will begin from July 7th, to I forget what date,- 13th, I believe.- I had such a nice letter from Mrs Haven.- And another letter came from [Franlein Heervart].- Dear Mrs Meleney- wishing you & yours at all times, the best & happiest wishes- I am with loving affection
Your Kglen Mother
Maria Kraus-Boelte
Might not your subject be well [know], if we called it. “A mother advice to kindergartners?-
[front side envelop]
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
429. Washington Ave
Brooklyn N.Y. 42

[back side envelope]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West 74th & 75th St.
New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.