Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, December 21, 1906

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York, December 21, 06

My dearest Mrs Meleney,
This morning we had our Christmas tree in Training class. It was such a happy morning. I love the girls; and. To watch their development- is highly interesting. I always have the woman in the them- in mind; and not the “teacher”. I know, that my conception
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Of doing this- was in Gorebel’s mind- all the while. Sometimes this “hard work”;- hardle- than - were I top think only of their future Public School examinations.- But- I did not want to write about this. Pardon me- my “pen” & my thoughts- were running off together.- We have just packed a few remembrances for you & yours.
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These are “modest gifts”, - but given with a heart full of love for you - my dear Kindergarten daughter, and your children. I wrote to Mr Meleney- to ask for your address, which I had mislaid; but found it- & am sorry to have troubled him. May your Christmas by a merry and happy-one to you all; and the coming new year- one of blessing
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My thoughts are so often with you, - and I should be so glad, to hear from you, and about your life- up there in the “colder” regions”. I imagine, it must be- like in my old home. Cold- being- Ice & snow!.- I have been very busy; and there were so many “obstacles” to overcome, this year, - here at the Hotel; and I had to abstain- seeing my frends about me- as was my pleasure in former years. Some old Mr Brennan
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Did- things are sadly changed; and often the thought comes: “would it not be better for me- to go away from the Hotel San remo- to find a place - where to live in a more peaceful way? I caught a very bad cold in November- owing to having not sufficient heat in my apartment. This has been remedied- by having a second Radiator
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Put-in. The rooms are warm now, & that is one comfort.- We have had very full & pleasant meetings in our Ass’n. I gave the lectures during these past three months. Next month, January will be our social meetings. I wonder, if Mr Meleney- as one of our “Honorary Members” could not spare a few minutes to “look- in”? And see the happy crowd of girls.- And in February - we shall have
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A lecturer on “Mimic”; and in March- Dr McVonnel of Teachers College will lecture ; and in April- probably Mr John Fretwell, who is such a stanch advocate of Froebel. - Miss Hallagher is again the Chairman of our Committee; and Harriet Littig is “a very treasure”. - Mrs Kennedy lost her mother- lately. Thus is life- sad & happy!- My Emma is developing wonderfully; she is quite a help to me- in “class”- for she is intelligent- & skillful with her hand,- & a good marriage. She hold you & Leber George in great affection
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I hope, that my package will reach you “in time” for Christmas day. I tried hard, to send it off before; but- the days were not long enough for all I had to do,- and it usually was one to two hours after midnight- ere I could retire. And & A.M. I am “up “ again.- I hope - you feel well, dear Carrie Cait. If thoughts & “good wishes” could help you- you would be in “blooming health”. Adieu! My Love & good wishes to all. Affectionately Your Kindergarten Mother
Maria Kraus Boelte
[front side envelop]
Mrs Clarence B. Meleney
Hanover N.H.

[back side envelop]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.