Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, November 26, 1899

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
New York, Nov 26/99

My dear Mrs Meleney
-Our dinner party cannot come off- has been post-poned, because of Miss [Dunn’s] “mishap.” She fell & hurt her knee. Hence I write to let you know of the “failure” of our intended dinner. We must try & have it soon after Thanks-giving, whenever Miss [Dunn] is well again.
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As it is, - i have now arranged for hard work,- [Class]- day on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Hofer will give her third singing lesson to my class on Tuesday at eleven A.M.- I mention this- in case you might like to hear the same. Miss Hofer is charming; & takes- up my ideas of community with
[page 3]
The girls were lovely responsive to my appeal in behalf of may Darrrah & her Crippled Children, & generous too, by voting to give $50,00, - & Miss Nathan- who assist Miss Darrah 2 days in the week, has to have charge of speaking this how & when Miss Darrah needs it most. And Miss Wiley will send old clothes. I am now packing Kglen Materials. Bessie Demarest will send “Nature Objects”, & c.-
[page 4]
Sounds, rhythm, & c. - Anna Harvey did well. I am proud of her, what a lovely young woman she is- no wonder I- and others- are so fond of her!- I sincerely hope that your sister is daily improving in re- gaining strength & health.
With loving greeting to all the meleney family,- Affectionately Yours Maria Kraus Boelte
[front side envelop]
Miss Harvey
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
429. Washington Ave
Brooklyn N.Y. 39
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.