Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, January 2, 1906

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
January 2, 06
My dearest Mrs Meleney,
The sweet “Alpine Violets”- are giving me so much pleasure, and bringing my thoughts so often to you & yours? It gave me great pleasure- to meet Robert again. What a “ manly” boy he has grown. nay- I ought not to call him “ boy”! I beg
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His pardon!- For- he is a “ young man” man. He resembles you- dear mrs. Melaney- very much; only- the “dimples” are not as well developed in his face- as in your dear, sweet face.- Your good letter I received- the with of a” good cheer” and the true Christmas joy! thank you-dearest for writing explicitly. You & Mr

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Meleney are truly “reaping” in your joys with the “growing-up” family- what you have soon in devotion & love- when your children were yet small. Whenever I think of a “happy” family- your family rises before my mental eyes.- Dr Jenny B Merril sent me a lovely “New Year’s Greeting” in a roll-call of the Kraus-graduates who are Kgtners under her direction or supervision
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In the Public Schools of Manhattan. She says to them: “They are a “Unique company of young women; they are women of individuality, of strong character, faithful to the last degree; I thank you for the training you have given them as well as myself”.- I have had “ hosts” of good letters- from all over the country,- & my heart is filled with the joy- that so many of my former pupils are true to their alma mater- & “ stand” for the Froebelian idea- in all it's truth & beautiful simplicity.
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Give “ my love” to all the members of your dear family. What a joy it must be- to have Edmond Home- for a while. I thank him- for the” hip hip” in my behalf. My “gifts” were small- but: my “ love” is Great. -The New Year came to me- quietly- softly- with all the remembrances of Happy “ old time” times. May it be “ full of blessings” to the “ Meleney family”.- I have not been so
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“Exuberantly” Well as usual- because- it seems- I cannot get rid of the severe “ cold” Taking hold of me over two months ago.- Thursday my “ class” will be reopen- and I shall try to “ rest” these few days- so as to be ready for my “ love's work”, and- in order to do this, I shall have to “ deny” myself- should any of my friends happened to call.- I long for “ spring- time”,- for
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the warm weather. The winter was never friendly to me, & I have to be a little “ careful”, will I carry through “ well”.- Miss Emma is dear. Her “ development” is a joy. We “ love each other”; and- this is a blessing,- as “ otherwise” I would be very “alone.” Young Minds” appeal to me! - Adieu - dearest Carrie Cait! perhaps we may see each other at our “ January social Meeting. I shall try- to make myself strong for the same.
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All this-what I said about myself- does not mean- that I feel sick will! Ah no, - only a little “tired”- because of that tiresome, tenacious “cold”.- Once more: May God’s blessing be with you and yours.
Ever - your loving old friend
Maria Kraus- Boelte
[front side envelop]
Mrs Clarence B. Meleney
69. Downing Street
New York 124
[back side envelop]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.