Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, November 21, 1899

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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November 21/99
Hotel San Remo
New York City

My dear Mrs Meleney,
You dear, good letter was received,& has been much appreciated. Thank you warmly for the same. I will write a long letter another time- in mower to the same. I am so truly sorry about the
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The illness of the dear Sister. What an anxiety for you, dear Mrs Meleney, I sincerely hope, the good Father in heaven will help, & make her well & stronger than she was ever before. You see, this happened to me; & my gratitude is untold.- Today I want to ask you, if you will give me the pleasure
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And dine at my Hotel on Tuesday (to-day-week0 November 28th, at 6P.M.- Mrs F. Curtis, Mrs E.[Dream] and Anna Harvey will also dine here, I hope,- a “cozy little party”. And- perhaps- Mr Meleney will call for you- & give us the pleasure of “shaking hand”
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Hand with him. With love for all & good wishes- that all & everything may be well- I am your “proud” Mother Kraus- who owns such a daughter as you,- and who has proved her-self such a “leader” again in behalf of the “Mothers”.-
Maria Kraus Boelte
[front side envelop]
Miss Harvey
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
429. Washington Ave
Brooklyn N.Y. 38
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.