Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, November 22, 1905

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
November 22, 05
My dear Mrs Meleney,
Will you & Mr Meleney give me the pleasure and dine with on Saturday December 3rd, at six o’ clock? I have also invited Dr & Mrs Balliet and one or two other friends. I hope, you will both be able, to accept. I want so much to make this a “pleasant” evening! It seems so long- since I saw you socially.
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We are all so very busy- each, in his own way. - I hope, that you & your family keep well; & that you have continuous “good news” from your dear about boy.- Anna Harvey tell me, that George Leer is “charming”. How I should have loved to have him my Kgten. I had a severe attack of throat - trouble; and- for nearly a fortnight- talking was painful to me; & I could not speak above
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Above a “whisper”.- My “Class-work” is a joy to me; but “outsiders” task me too much; & it is difficult to control that part of my life; but- Mrs Emma is learning to manage often for me. I do want- to have some “free” time- to see my friends- which is such true pleasure to me.- Also- I try, to get some “outside” recreation; and I have heard several of the Ben Greet Shakespeare Plays,- & enjoyed them thoroughly, [protective]
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as the “outfit” of Stage &c. Would seem.- The Thanksgiving holidays I may spend- away from the City- a few quiet & restful days. Christmas will soon be at the door. How the time flies!- Adieu, dearest Carrie Cait! My living thoughts are often with you- the you may believe.- Sunday, November 26th, the Froebel- House Committee is to meet at my rooms,- & after the Meeting- take Dinner with me.- Mrs Fitts
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Called the Committee together- because Mrs Wheelock was expected in the City- to address the “Woman’s Church” in Brooklyn- the one you wrote to be about.- - Did you see, for what a nice little “comment”. Dr. Ossia Lang made about me in the School- Journal?- Good bye! Hoping, you have not tired yourself too much by setting your house in order,- and also- hoping, you can give me a “ready assent” for December the third, - I am Yours with a heart full of love.
Maria Kraus- Boelte

[front side envelop]
Hotel San Remo
Central Park West & 74th & 75th ST
New York
Mrs Clarence B. Meleney
69. Downing Street
New York 122
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.