Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, November 6, 1898

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
Hotel San Remo
Central park west 74th & 75th St.
New York, Nov: 8, 98

My dear Mrs Meleney
Loved Kindergarten- daughter and dear friend!
Your letter of this A.M. added to the sunshine pouring into my windows this truly “peaceful” day. How kind of you to write such a loving letter, - and - how could you know of my Birthday? I always kept it so “still”, - unknown. My friends are already kind to “overflow” with me; and “birthdays to remember” grow mostly to
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to be a “troublesome affair.”- My table is to-day- full of loving greetings &c. from far and near. I never imagined, that “my daughters” could think so much of me. My heart widens even more in “grateful love”, my lonesome feeling has left me. The “friend of my life-work, my dear husband-seems to be ever near me, & -with this- I cannot be “lonesome”,- the more so, as I am - as I have been these past 26 years- a busy woman. My health is good. And
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When I had to fore-go the treasured pleasure of being present at our alumni meeting, it was not that I was overworked & needed rest, &c. I did not wish to alarm the Alumni Members, that's all,- & hence my message by Miss Kohler.-About 2 months ago I slipped & fell across the car-tracks. Two good men pulled me off,- & I had been much shaken by this & my knees were sorely hurt. The wound healed. I must have [serakked] it, - for Oct 28th, I had a 5 hrs chill, & then high fever. Blood-poison had set-in. Saturday- I was unable to raise my head. All, that [hunger skill] could do, was done by
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my new physician whom I had sent for; and Wednesday, Nov: 2nd I could be once more with my delightful “Class”. There is “fine quality” in this class & I am very happy with them. It is so much easier for me, to have the alone to myself,- than “direct others”- Edith Slade is happy in her work; and Miss Peek is happy too; I was favored in recommending her; for this, for which she is so well with. I would have had Miss Peek again with me this Season, if my “Class” had formed earlier, & as this took place only a few days previous to opening- i could not afford the [illegible] of an assistant.- Who it all “providence”?- When seeing you last, I had no idea, that so much time
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would elapse, ere meeting you again. My trouble is not quite cured,- & my medical adviser permits work- but “otherwise” rest & quiet so that no future difficulties may arise. I am, of course, very obedient to his superior knowledge. Walking is yet but a “hard” to me. By our next Meeting i hope to be right well again.-I missed your “paper” dear Carrie Cait! it was a great disappointment to me I had a good many letters, & all speak of you, your lovely spirit & the help you gave them.
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And now I must come to a “close”. - Your little girl, I trust, is hale & well. - I thank Mr Meleney for his kind wishes.- Only lately I heard, That Mr Meleney- the only one from among my “adopted sons in the Kgten” had ”a past” in the Loving Club. How “dear” in him!- Emma Newman will come to me & lecture in Spring, I had a letter from her. Please, bear that in mind for our Alumni.- Dr Conant will give us a lecture on “Psychology”. She is Professor if the at the Normal College; & she is a [purpose] of Dr Shinner & Dr Munsterberg.- Dr Merrill will lecture on Gardens & Garden-work- Miss Blow, I trust, will do [so] the promised favor too.- With loving greetings for all the family, yours as ever.
Maria Kraus Boelte
[front side envelop]
Dr Conant
Miss Blow
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
#877. Sterling Place
Brooklyn N.Y. 23

[back side envelope]
Hotel San Remo
Central park west 74th & 75th St.
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.