Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, October 9, 1898

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
[page 1]
Hotel San Remo
New York, Oct:9,98

My dear Mrs Meleney,
By this time, I suppose you & your family are home & settled again in Brooklyn.
- I have just completed two things,- viz: moving from the 6th to the 8th floor (all is yet to be settled & put in order)- and to open my Training Class. My hands not only have been full- but are full yet.- Im [illegible] & packing, I found yesterday the enclosed letter from Miss Paulson to you- which you enclosed
[page 2]
At a previous time to me.- The article on “our money” I send to the boys, thinking, it would interest them. Have you, per chance, yet a few of the those little [Circulars] from Martha’s Vineyard announcing our united work? if so, will you kindly send me three or four ? I hope, you feel so well as I do.- My work just “gives me pleasure.”-
With loving greetings for all your “dear-ones”, whom I am so happy to know better,-I am yours
Maria Kraus-Boelte

[front side envelop]
Oct 9
Miss Paulson
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
#877. Sterling Place
Brooklyn N.Y. 21

[back side envelope]
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.