Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, June 26, 1898

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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Hotel San Remo
Central park west 74th & 75th St.
June 26, 98
My dear Mrs Meleney
Thank you ever so much for working , when you must be very busy- on the eve of your departure to the Vineyard. If I get safely home “from Washington”, I shall delight in all that is going on in
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Martha’s Vineyard, - and may prove of better help that you may anticipate. When I “put myself’ on doing a thing, I am in it heart and soul. And I do look forward toward coming in “touch” with your dear children & “the family whole & complete.” Mrs Peek is very much afraid of my
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“Overdoing”,- for she has seen me at my weakest; but I am really growing stronger every day,- and the only thing I dread is : the heat at Washington.- In regard to changing the [sulyest] of “flat-[illegible]” to that of the “Mother & Corseting Song: the weather[have] - I am perfectly willing to do so, & although it would seem to me , that this belongs rather to the first week?-
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Think it well over when you travel towards the Vineyard,- & then drop me a line, that I may be prepared. You forgot, that you promised to send me copay at the schedule of your entire plan: the work of the first week, - and the Afternoon- work at the two following weeks. I am all the while for “entirely” and “relation of parts to the whole”, - and this shall come much better prepared & [some] ready to do my part & assist in other parts.- I hope, you & the children will have a lovely journey to the Vineyard.- I am so glad
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That Anna Harvey also will be at the Vineyard, & give her assistance. The [games, &c.] will have the greater charm, when represented in varied views; although previously these should always be a little consultation as to the “what? how? Who?? If all are for I am true [ has been very], our work will approach somewhat Froebel’s ideal of [[wanted]family life .”
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And now I will say “good bye” and “bon voyage”.
To what address could I send my homework, that it may be put- up & be ready, when I come? I am quite “[under[ilitie]” in looking forward to that part of quite restfulness & solitude-
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which I always need, whenever I “give-out” much.- Will you, please, thank Mr Meleney for me, for sending the Pamphlet?
-I wrote to Mr Skinner, and had a answer, of which I will tell you & Mr meleney, when seeing you.
With loving affection
Your Mother Kraus

[front side envelop]
4919 Anna Harvey
Mrs Clarence b. Meleney
877. Sterling Place
Brooklyn N.Y. 18
Miss Blow

[back side envelope]
Hotel San Remo
Central park west 74th & 75th St.
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.