Kraus-Boelté to Meleney, September 28, 1903

Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Collection
Kraus-Boelté, Maria
Meleney, Carrie Coit
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640 Madison Ave.
New York, Sept : 28, 03

My dear Mrs Meleney,
Even now your husband called, & told me - that you were “in bed” - because of a bad cold caught. I am truly sorry that this should have come to you- & to little Gracie too - so early in the Season. The weather is so changeable that it is no wonder - one catches cold. Mr Meleney was- as

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He always is to me - most kind - & helpful - in his balanced lovely ways. It was good of him to call, when he is so busy. - I - too - am busy - in “my small way”. At present- interviews & no end; registration- correspondence- & getting the house ready, - Kgten material, &c I thank you for your good letter; I am always

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happy, when a letter from you reaches me. - If “thoughts” and “good wishes” could make you well - you surely would be in a “blooming condition”. - 8PM. The Committee Meeting went off happily. Miss Littig, Adriana Dorman, Mrs Woodward, Mrs Hay and the “Secretary” were present- a “quorum”, - & we could proceed. I wonder, what you will say to our first program. I think - it is “rather nice”. But- as I am

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Rather busy - will not attempt to explain. I hope - you will be able to be with us.
I hear, that Miss Blow & Mrs Langzettel will have their lectures on the same day as mine take place. What a pity- to “clash” this- as the Brooklnytes will be “compelled” to attend those lectures given in Brooklyn.- With loving “good wishes” that you may be soon quite well again- Affectionately Yours
Maria Kraus- Boelte

[frontside envelope]
Mrs Clarence E. Meleney
429. Washington Ave. 96
Cottage City Mass
Brooklyn, New York
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.