The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Bragg, C. C.
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Woodruff Date
August 31st
My dear Tim,
It seems a long time since we have seen you but I trust you will not doubt that time has made no difference in one friendship and that we very often think of you and Mrs. Woodruff and complancently absorb some reflected says of your success, our boy has passed his examinations for college and will enter this fall
Were it not that I think him too young I have decided to give him a year Abroad in order that he may enter College with a Year added maturity and experience.
Charles Hitchcock Jr. who it appear roomed with your John will in all probability go with him.
The fact that he is a friend of Yours and Johns is of course a great recommendation. I have seen very little of him but am favorably impressed by what I see myself and hear from others but before entering upon any definite arrangements I would like to have your confidential opinion of his fitness for the place and of his character generally. He appears to have the greatest liking for you and John and I hope that you will not allow any probable reciprocal fondness for him to influence your report. I know that I am placing you in an embarassing position but feel sure that were positions reversed you would not hesitate to write me and that you would obtain a perfectly frank expression from me.
You will greatly oblige me by replying to this at your earliest convenience
as Hitchcock is anxious to arrange his own plans.
I hear that you have made your camp the model of the surrounding country and that you, Mrs. Woodruff and John have become mighty hunters.
Hope you are all as well and strong as we hear you are.
Kindly give my best regards to Mrs. Woodruff and congratulate her upon her management of yourself
All wish to be remembered
Yours truly
C. C. Bragg
1601 Union Trust Building