The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Sweet, May Woodruff
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Woodruff Date
Feb. 8,, 1906.
Hon. Timothy Woodruff:-
Dr Sir:-
I have an old family record of the "Woodruff" which I would like to complete as far as possible and tho't you could be of assistance to me hence this letter. It begins with the marriage of Lemon Woodruff and Mary Fuller -

Names Births Marriage Deaths
Lemon Woodruff Dec 15 1772 Bethleham Con Nov 28,,1799 Jan 3,,1846
Mary Fuller Apl 21,, 1778 Burlington Con " " " Aug 22,,1805
Russel Woodruff Dec 19,,1800 ----- ---- Canada 1863
Morris " Oct 29..1803 Jan 26,,1826 Dec 29,,1876

2d marriage to
Abigal M Reed Oct 3,,1785 Mar 19,,1808 Aug 31,,1878

Eight children were born of this last marriag, namely - Polly C. Lemon R. William R. Enos K. Sally Maria, Andrew H. and Louisa S. and Eli Alonzo. I have proper record as far as this but nothing about their children Can you give me any information about this and what part of the family do you belong to, if any. I am the seventh child of Eli Alonzo who was born July 16,,1820 in Dutchess Co New York and died Jan 8, 1903. I have four sisters and two brothers living. Now perhaps this is a bore to you, and if so just forget it, as I know you are a busy man and really I am more interested in the present than in the past. I have not one of my husband's cards so will just enclose a letter head to tell you who we are. I ahve only given a part of this record, so if you care for more will be glad to send it. Pardon this lengthy letter -
May Woodruff Sweet
1737 Pendleton Ave -
Kansas Cy Mo.
Funding NoteFunding for the Maria Kraus-Boelté Letters Digitization project is provided by the Long Island Library Resources Council.