The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Morrison, Clara B. (1870-1948)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Woodruff Date
Garden City
Oct 19-09 -
My dear Governor -
Yours with Mr Hubbells letter received - I shall have the papers &c thouroughly examined at once to detect leakage of water - I have impressed upon the servants the necessity of being careful with the water - But don't think they have used any such tremendous quantity -
I am enclosing a letter from Mr. [Greham?] which I received from him in

reply to an enquiry I made regarding Mr. Waters and which I thought had remained long enough in the County Clerks office - He also told me today - that all their deeds were held up in the way for such an unnecessary length time & that nothing had been done to stop it - Our customers in the unavailable do not understand why their deeds are held back - which does not acct any exclamation except from the slownesses of the Co. clerk -

I thought you might be interested to know some thing about it - I had Mr Tarbell notified by Mr Greham to write a letter of explanation to Mrs Watson, as she wondered why her deed had not reached her - This last month I paid out of my own account $75 per servants wager - & $15 for laundry - making $90.00 in all - The last cheque of $100 reced from you was on Aug 17 - There is np particular hurry about it - Only it thought in running the house in the new arrangement we had better keep the cash & &c straight -
Every thing is running smartly - were looking around for a married couple in place of present servants - Andrew leaves Monday for the [?] Yacht -
I hoping your eye has quite improved
With much love Affectionately
I have Murray figuring on the storm windows will hurry the price in a day or two.