The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Dearest Father.
The faculty took off my suspension first as Mr Merritt felt sure they would. I haven't taken a mark or cut since the term began and am going to keep this pace up till at least Xmas. Moreover I get out every lesson before I go into the class room; I'm sure that when Xmas comes you will be amazed at my standing. Another thing, now that I have an off and Corinthian Yacht Club on whose House committee I serve as chairman. But there is one set of dues on which I want to speak to you privately about, but in view of the fact that I may not see you for some time I'll write a few words now. It's about the Hall on Prospect Street. There a man is supposed to give each year, that is I mean the year when he is under Graduate member, as much as he can afford towards paying the running expenses. Now these expenses [fast] up each yea about $3,000 which is entirely paid for by our 15 men. That makes as you see an average of $200 apiece. If course some men can't give as much as other men so Arthur Haremeyer, Hastings Arnold, Jam Moorehead and I each subscribed $300 so that two or three of the poorer men need only give $100 or so. This $300 is to paid in 4 installments of $75 each one of which is now due and enjoyable Saturday night and Sunday before me I haven't the slightest desire to go to New York as I had last year.
I received my dividend check this A. M. with a not from Mr Farnham saying I would get my regular allowance tomorrow. All this is not a bit too much for this first month. I have to give a great deal for books, my Blackstone Law books above cost $30. Then I have my different club dues such as Golf club, University club, Psi
I want to know if you won't pay this for me.
Please understand that besides this our expenses are very heavy as we have two costly dinners a week to pay for besides everything that is use up by grads very many of returns are dropping in every week none of whom are allowed to pay for anything Outside of this $300 I should judge my checks will amount to at as any man of my position in the class is bound to incur you will find that it figures right up so that when I buy a suit of clothes, overcoat or any thing like that there isn't much reserve to pay with so in the past I have always run up bills. This year, however, I will not charge a single article and will do my best to live on the $200 a month if you will pay this $300 to the Hall and my term bills In this way and by cutting ouot trips to New York I will diminish last years rediculous sum spent by $2,500.
I honestly haven't had time as yet to send on those socks but will surely do so tonight. By the way do you expect to take in the Yale-Princeton game this year, if so I will get a room at the N. H. House. I won't have any girl up for it this year unless I take my best girl, Mother. I hope you
least $30 a month. Then pay $8 a week for board. About my most costly fad or luxury or whatever you may call it is golf. At present it is the only available exercise for a weakling like me and I indulge in it just about every afternoon as I have no lessons any afternoon in the week. In one day's golf I pay $1.00 to play, 60 [cent symbol] to my caddie and $1.50 or more for balls which cost 50 [cent symbol] apiece.. You come to add up all these besides as many again expenses
both will come.
I have a few other bits of news which I can't think of but I will contain them in another letter Sunday.
I see you are the May pole of the political "festival" just now being run off in and about New York. I only hope they are not winding you up too tightly.
Dearest and best love to Mother and you.
Heartily & devotedly John..