The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Monday A. M.
Dearest Father,
I went up to Boston Friday afternoon, took in the joint concert that night, game the next day where I saw Joe Vernon and Wyllys Terry, saw Jimmy Powers that night and returned on the midnight last night arriving here in time for chapel this A. M. There isn't much to tell about the game except that we had the luck then that Princeton had a week before; we were mighty lucky to win by the margin we did. Odgen Reid, Arthur Haremeyer and I had a suite of rooms at the Essex. Went around seeing the sights with Alec Cameron Sat. night and went to call over in Brookline where I accepted an invitation to stay to supper.
I got a notice from Mr Merritt on Thursday to call at the office about cuts and marks or else a letter would be sent home stating how many I had taken. Since I entered College I have never taken so few cuts and marks and only two of my lessons and below 3 and those two over 2.50 so I went over there up in arms. After straightening things out I am credited with 38 marks, 28 being carried over from last year, and 10 cuts. Therefore I have taken 10 marks and 10 cuts in two full months which is the best record I have. Mr Merritt admitted this but said a letter would have to be sent home so I write this that you may not worry over it when it comes.
I absolutely haven't a cent to spend Thanksgiving in New York with, Father, and I wish you would send me enough to finish the month with. That of this month came the usual expenses besides $50 lost on the Princeton game, the Garland bill of $43 and an expensive trip to Boston.
Do write me about the Camp. What agreement did you come to with Mr [Saturlee]? It will be hard to get used to not going up there Xmas but we can get used to it all right. I'm very sorry I won't see you and Mother THursday. Will be down Sat. Devotedly John.