The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
December 12 '08
Dear Father
Yours of the 10th just received this A.M. thought I said in my letter of the 7th that we would [---] a check from you for $500.00 to meet a pay roll on [---] This pay roll is actually paid Saturday noon [---] it is our custom to ge the money Friday. Not hearing [---] you yesterday I put off getting the money till today [---] now that a check did not accompany your letter [---] drawing on you for $500.00 and am sending this [---] without delay to you at Sherry's so you know [---] this draft will be presented, or you will be phoned [---] it, on Monday at 43 to 39th This draft will [---] very little more than cover the pay roll and other [---] that must be met by Monday, so I am not [---] a chance on shairing in the way of a remittance [---] coming in by Monday. we are expecting settlement [---] on the Penna R R [---]
As I wrote you on Thursday I am coming down Tuesday night to have time for a little necessary shopping in New York and Josephines supper in Brooklyn that night Wednesday at 10 P.M. So don't you put off anything you have for Wednesday night I am coming back Thursday night, unless there is some reason for staying over till Friday.
I suppose you expected your leter of the 10th would reach me yesterday the 11th but I notice by the envelope that it was not taken from the mail box till 12.30 yesterday If I had gotten it yesterday [---] could have telegraphed you for the 500 but now [---] have not choice but drawing.
With love and looking forward to seeing you [---] Wednesday I am Yours devotedly
P.S. I will come over to Sherry's to Breakfast [---] leaving my things at the Yale Club, where I will [---] a room. I suppose you breakfast about 8.30.