The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Griffin, Jennie C.
Woodruff Date
July 25th (Sunday) 1909
My dear Mrs G:-
I went to Kamp Kisalel [Kill Kare] Friday PM & got back this noon. I have had no telegram from you in reply to the letter I wrote you Thursday asking for telegraphing information concerning Murphey's intentions regarding resigning for the Assembly, but I suppose you couldnt get the information. I wrote Wadsworth Friday that I was trying to get word from Murphy & would let him hear soon as possible. PLease follow this up quickly as you can Betts letter to you explains that matter about which I also wrote on Thursday.
I enclose a bill & letter from Whyte Shurusker. I am quite sure I left a bill of his for $32.00 with you to get itemized bill as I thought I only and for one pair. If no check has been drawn to his order since Jany You can make ck. for 32.00 & send to me with a line of explanation. I presume his letter to me is an answer to yours. He is very caulese!
You can make & send ck to order of Pettit for $500. Did I not pay him $600 before. His contract was for $1200 & there have been several extras. Ask him in a letter

Compare addresses with these [?] list I gave you
1 Hon Lloyd Wheaton Bowers Solicitor General 5 Justice Washington D.C.
My dear Lloyd
2 Judge Lucien F. Barfee Waterbury Conn
My dear Lucien
3 Sir George Ferris Foster Telephone for this to Frederick H. Stokes Book Publisher N.Y. The Cedars Newburgh, N.Y.
My dear George
4 Dr. Walter B. James In Europe. Send letter to his N.Y. City home noted physician
My dear "Nig"
5 Mr Herman Livingston Lives somewhere in Columbia County Catskill Station, N.Y.
My dear Herman
6 Mr Robert S. Rodman My dear Bob Lakeport California
7 Mr Oliver David Thompson My dear Tommy Quite sure it is Park Building Pittsburgh Pa
8 " Ambrose Tighe My dear Ambrose St Paul Minn Nat German-Amer. Bank Building