The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Farnham, Frank Whiton (1853-1931)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Woodruff Date
Apl 4th 1905
Dear Governor
I enclose the checks for which you telephoned this morning also checks and addressed envelopes for some bills received recently. I find that the last check sent Merrell was on Mch 1st for $141.18 but among my receipted bills I find the enclosed which from your memorandum on them I think must be the ones you refered to. These papers came to me without any request for check and as they are in the form of a receipt I thought they covered money already paid and simply fileed them away. From your memorandum on the receipt it would appear that you think you owe Mr Merrell $122.62 while from an examination of the papers it looks to me as if all your owed him was $85.76, covering sent Feby 1st to Apl 1st $55.00 amt paid Margaret Hayer $25.00 amount paid G. H. Owens $1.70 and laundry bills $4.06 which make a total of $85.76 the amount for which Mr Merrell sends receipt and which he states covers all demands to date. I have therefore drawn a check to his order for $85.76 which I enclose herein. If I am wrong please send the check back and I will make a new one.
Yours Sincerely
F. W. Farnham
P.S. If I am right as to the amount please have the check mailed to Merrell and return his receipt to me
Your salary check amounted to $1,355.34 which I have deposited this a.m. There was an item of Cash $200, and check to John $50.00 and some small payments deducted.