The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Kandt, Charles A. (1861-1925)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Aug 8 1908
Hon Timothy Woodruff
Chairman Rep State Co
New York
My Dear Sir,
As one of the Republican Voters in Niagara County having at heart the success of the coming contest, deem it my duty as such, to protest against the renomination of Gov. Hughes, The sentiment I find amoungst the strongest and powerful of all organization, The Volunteer Firemen The Western Association comprising 10 Counties Erie Niagara Orleans Monroe Genesee Wyoming, Chautauqua Cattaraugus & Livingston of which I have the honor of of being one of the 3 Trustees for the last 3 years, in their Convention assembled at Albion July 28-29 passed strong reolution condemning his action on the Smith-Foley Meet Ins. Bill. It was shown that it took $80,000 from the Firemen, which are ever ready to save life & property, 110 Companies are numbers of this ass. other 300 Delegates representing them voted unanimously for this resolution, it represents over 10000 Firemen and without question means at loss of 5000 Rep. Votes on State if not on National Ticket, you no doubt

have read of the action in the daily papers, and on Aug 18 & 19 you will have additional proof by the action of the State Association to be held at Oswego, it must surely be a warning to be cautious, for as sure as you renominate - Gov. Hughes, 5000 Rep. Votes will be lost and will endanger our National Tickets came positive it is a very low estimate, which can be easily ascertained by the State Secy of the Ass. claiming over 200000 Firemen in the State - you well know, stirred up Firmen will never retrace his step. Have also come in contact with our German reader of our Semi weekly Wochenblatt The only one in the County There is a tremendous change against him calling necessary expense for extra sessions to enact Laws That are on the Statue books etc.
Again state felt it as a duty to appraise you of the serious situation confronting us by renomination of Gov. Hughes, trusting it will receive due consideration among the many that I am sure have been received and hoping that the Republican Firemen can vote for a Rep. Candidate for Governor not by the name of Hughes.
Very Truly Yours
Chas A. Kandt
P.S. Kindly refer you to the Hon J. A. Merritt as to my standing in the County.
[marginalia] Ans. 8/10