The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
McSweeney, John D. (1871-1932)
Woodruff Date
May 21, 1907.
Mr. J. D. McSweeney,
Kamp Kill Kare,
Raquette Lake, N.Y.
My dear Jack:
At the sale of the household effects of Mrs. Gaines – John’s grandmother, who you remember visited us at Kamp Kill Kare last summer – I purchased a large number of books rather than to see them too much sacrificed and having no place in my house in Brooklyn for them, I ordered them sent to Kamp. I think I bought enough to fill the book cases over on the Island, which we emptied to fill the book cases in the Casino. However, I do not know what books I shall want to put over there and what books I want to leave in the Casino, so I would rather the books would not be put up until I come. I wish you would have the cases very carefully handled – in other words, do not have them shaken up any more on the wagons than is absolutely necessary and you had better wait until I come up before you unpack them.
You say you expect a mile of wire from Sperry’s by tomorrow (Wednesday), and then you will try to have it all up by the time we come. Just keep at Sperry until you get it and be sure to have it up when I get there because I shall be very much disappointed if I cannot call up Chapin’s Camp while I am at Kamp Kissabel. I suppose you have a telephone at Chapin’s camp. If not, get one right away and have the whole thing in working order by the time I get there
I will write to Col. Fox about surveying the 560 acres and have it done right away.
It is as cold as a winter’s day here, but I cannot believe it will lasy much longer and am looking forward to warm weather by the time we get to camp. I am very anxious to come and shall be greatly disappointed if anything happens to interfere with our coming. I will telegraph to you on Friday or early Saturday morning how many to expect.
Yours sincerely,