The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Griffin, Jennie C.
Taft at very first opportunity about his attending Amer dinner & will do my best.
I have Jack McS: letters you sent. Currenture did has see M, but understand that "Mrs McS" had called on her when out.
Please consult Bartlett about Raynor who writes enclosed letter sent to me by Smith. It would be a good idea if all such application were looked up while I am away & the people written to that I will take matter up on my return

Tel Henman I got his letter & hope to find matter for which be met me in Washington satidsfactorily settled when I get back.
See that an invitation rec'd by Smith to attend Hughes Alliance dinner on Jany 22d is more than formally declined. Cossett or someone should be written to about may absence &c -
Write Mrs Vick that I always supposed she knew that when a claim case was once passed in the omnibus bill it had to go to Court of Claims & be tried out & that I always felt we would have great trouble in proving that the things belonging to her Mother which were taken had been actually used by the Army & not destroyed because the law allows nothing if destroyed. Tell her if the Court decided favorably the passage of the bill again after that is only a matter of yours. I saw Law & he is dong & has been going everything he possibly could & will continue to.
Tell her every dollar for clothes &c comes out of my pocket & while I am willing to do all I can there is a limit.
You wrote that Buffalo Trust Co sent $450 semi annual payment. Please find just what this means. Have they increased payments from $800 a year, 200 quarterly to $900 a year 450 semi annually or what?
I reutrn F F & G application for you to hold till I see Mr Whipple with where I have had a long talk about my establishing my own nursery.
Will you telephone to Jefferson Ferry & tell him I rec'd his telegram about Taft not calling an extra session of COngress & will discuss the subject with Taft soon as I get a chance. I have postponed everything till he will not be so busy next week. On our trip to Atlanta I may get more chance than I have so far had.
Tell Mr Little I will talk with Farn her against contracting any expenses with lawyers as her chances of getting anything are the remote to warrant it.
Your hastily
T. L. W.