The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Griffin, Jennie C.
Woodruff Date
Saturday Jany 23d 1909
My dear Mrs Griffin:
I failed to enclose Judge Brenner's telegram in my last letter I wish you would find out from Mr Smith if the Judge was sore because I did not return for his affair. I fear he was & I would not hurt his feelings for anything.
You may write to Duras & Pence that I spoke to Judge Taft about them as requested but he said he would not take up anything beside his cabinet till after Mch 4th & that then I will speak to him again. At that time I must write to him about Pence. I dont know anything about Duras except that Parsons ran him for Congress in an overwhelmingly Dem district
Please accept Amer Conven Dinner invitation
I dont even know who "Frank Fogerty" is. I would like to know who he is.
I will take a table for 8 at Peace Society dinner to Mr Root. You better write finally to the Secy of Cm & telephone Mr Lindsay Russell who is on Com & will have
charge of details & tell him I want a table near & if possible nexdt to guests table. I think I will invite Tarbells Englishes & Baldwins. You might telephone Mr English & ask him to keep Feby 26th open. The others will wait till I return.
Have Mr Farnham mail me one new blank check. He gave me two & I have used one for amt of bill I sent you. The other mill be used to pay another hotel bill Monday & I will need one more when I leave.
Please look thoroughly into the [?] Krew matter. Mr Hazard wrote he wanted me join. I replied that I thought I was a member but if not I would join. That is last I remember. You see they have a regular invitition &c through which Gov. Hughes just passed & I dont see why I did not get notice then or at some time & I dont see how I can belong unless Farn. have paid invitation fee &c.
Hope you got Mrs Us sent what did she mean by "when I leave here I shall be little trouble &c," do you think. Dont fail to find out about why Trust Co sent $450 & said semi annual. Be sure to keep memo of all things I write about for they are likely to pass entirely out of my mind after I have once written to you about them.
I am going to write to Jack McS directly, urging him to keep me posted in detail as to building hatchery &c.
Did you know Frank Gray was dead. Mrs Watson sent a clip from Syracuse paper saying he had choked to death on hafsteak at Eagle Hotel Utica. It is too bad I bought that Typewriter Stock back at 97 when it is selling at 65 I paid him $250 more than it was or is worth on the market just to prevent his [?] able to a say anything Jack thinks he state my causes &c. I am anxious to hear from Jack about his death &c.
Weather here superby. Just like summer. Wildflowers coming up everywhere. Had a session of two hours with Taft yesterday P.M. He has left this A.M. Things will be OK after Mch 4th.
Regards to all. Tell Mr Little I am getting my score down 2 or 3 every day & I'll give him the battle of his life on the links. With best wishes
We except to arrive 23d St Sunday the 31st at 2.45 P.M.
Your sincerely