The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
McSweeney, David (b1869)
Woodruff Date
May 20, 1903
Mr. David McSweeney,
Racquette Lake, N.Y.
Dear Dave:-
I am in receipt of your letter written on Sunday. I will get the hose at once and the sprinkler, and have them sent so they will get to camp before the end of the week.
I hope you have had some rain up there by this time.
As near as I can determine at the present time, there will not be more than 16 or 17 in the party, so that three 3-seated wagons will carry us all nicely from the Falls, then you can have a hired team with a wagon to take over the baggage, making four teams altogether to meet us.
I wrote you from New York that we would arrive about noon on Saturday, and to have lunch so that we could sit right down to the table as soon as we get to camp, which I hope will be about two o’clock. Of course, we will telephone as soon as we get to the station, and you can tell just how long it will take us to get there.
I wish you would get some trout caught the morning of the day we come there, and have them for lunch. Joe Grenon and Blanchard can get them in the stream behind the camp – the one that flows into Saginaw, and perhaps they can get some in the lake, so we can have both large and small ones. We do not want a big lunch – just soup and fish and one course beside, so we can get right out and make the best of the afternoon.
On my return to Syracuse, I find that only one of the carpenters went with the plumber on Monday, the other going yesterday; I hope they both arrived all right.
With best wishes,
Yours very sincerely,