The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
Griffin, Jennie C.
Woodruff Date
Jany 21st
My dear Mrs Griffin
I have rec'd enclosed from Judge Brennan & in view of it & your telegram we will stay till end of next week. I have not rec'd anything from you for 4 or 5 days except the telegram. Dont you hear from Jack McS. Please write him that I must get up till Feby 11th & to write at once & tell me just how things are going, tell him to give me some details of the progress of the new building & just how each kind of fish is getting in at the hatchery.. Please notify Leermore on Monday that I cant attend Adelphi meeting that eveing & tell him whay I am kept down here. Tell him I am

Keeping an eye on John D. Rockefeller & hope to talk Adelphi affairs with him while we are here together. Notify Hiscoe that I will not go to camp before Thursday Feby 11th & I expect to go & have him go with me on that day. We have postponed Pneumelective Meeting from Jany 29th to Wed Feby 10th I expect to go to Albany Say Monday Feby 8 & stay till 10th & then go to Syracuse & thence to Camp. You better notify Barnes & White the first of next week that I have had to postpone my return till Sunday the 31st We wil doubtless arrive that PM in N.Y.

The enclosed card from Le Mount doubtless refers to a theater party of 16th Assbly dist about which Vorhies Kraeles' Secy came to see me. Please phone to V & tell him how sorry I am as I had hoped to go. I enclose a letter from Francis to hold for your information. I have done all I can. You better notify Watson about my delay in returning. Tell him I have no doubt of the wisdom of giving contract to Carptenter & Co upon them assigning their lieu to us provided they

will guarantee prompt completion of house & provided I can load, or otherwise take care of him so as to get the balance of money on the mortgage I have already given the Little G & Trust Co for $25000. Watson letter get papers & everything ready for execution on Feby 1st if Carpenter will furnish April 1st (she certainly should do so) & I can get the money to pay him with from the T G & T Co. Watson letter [?] with Mr Harley of the T G & T Co at

Jamaica office & find if he can & how he can arrange these lieus so I can be sure to get the balance of 15000 due me on the mortgage. I enclose a letter for L M Palmer. I guess Mr Watson letter reply to at. I might with something that would give Hagles a hold on me. Please tell Mr. Quille I got his long letter

about primaries & have read it with great interest. Tell him to send me Barnes editorial soon as possible. Tell him I think I will have to join with Barnes & Wadsworth against the proposition all I hear from people in Washington & here is against it. Am just going out to play golf with Judge Taft. John & I against him & Mr Boardman. In great haste

You better write Senator Platt that this letter was forwarded to me here & that I wrote you to mail him that I would take it up with the Land Board by letter. You can also write Shelden that you forwarded his to me & I wanted him to understand that while I could not commit myself to his support as there are very many candidates I felt personally vary favorably disposed toward him. As matter of fact we nearly decided on Jany 1st to has appointed Vickery of Niagara, a man for Syracuse & Dures Clark from Clinton Co