The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (dup)
McSweeney, David (b1869)
Woodruff Date
May 13, 1903.
Mr. Dave McSweeney,
Raquette Lake, N.Y.
Dear Dave:-
I am in receipt of yours of the 10th inst. I believe my secretary in New York was to write you a line to tell you that I could not come up this week.
I can send two good carpenters from here and the plumber, the latter to look the ground over. I think I better send them on Saturday, and then they can get used to their surroundings over Sunday and be ready to go to work Monday morning.
The car of lumber was started from here yesterday, and the freight agent has been advised to send tracers after it, and you ought to get it so as to haul the stuff in before the end of the week. Mr. McDowell says it generally takes two days, but of course they cannot be sure of this, as sometimes it takes longer. However, they are doing all they can to get it there as quickly as possible.
Evidently, by this time you have got the men’s camp in order with a new cook, etc.
I will expect to hear from you tomorrow, or at the latest, Friday morning. I leave here at eleven o’clock Friday, so if you have not already written, you must telegraph on receipt of this, which will be tomorrow afternoon, whether or not to send the carpenters and plumber. Of course, the plumber is only going there now to see what is necessary, but he and the carpenters better go together, as they both are going from Syracuse.
I will be up on the 23rd, a week from Saturday, at which time I shall bring with me a party of somewhere from 15 to 18 people, there being among the number Mrs. Woodruff and her two maids, but all the rest will be men. We shall only stay until Monday morning. I expect to come and go by special train. I want everything while these people are there, very nice, but as I say, we will only be there from Saturday afternoon, with probably a late luncheon, and an early breakfast on Monday morning.
I will bring the fruit.
Have the Gondola all right and see that Conti gets so that he can handle it. You better have Joe Brennan and Blanchard both there for Saturday and Sunday.
I will keep you posted as to just when to expect us, and just how many there will be, etc.
Yours very truly,