The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Byers, Mortimer Wardle (1877-1962)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff
No 1 Madison Avenune, New York
Dear Mr. Woodruff:
On the evening of March twenty-seventh, the annual dinner of the Adelphi Academy Alumni Association will be held at the Hotel Mohawk, Brooklyn, at about seven o'clock -
We should be more than glad to have you with us.
We understand and appreciate the distinguished services which you have rendered to the Adelphi, and through it to the community, and regret that you have found it necessary to religuish the presidency of the Board of Trustees - This the Association woudl be glad to tell you to your face -
We are not unmindful of the many calls upon your time and of the comparatively abscure position occupied by our association, in spite of which considerations we are not without hope that you will find it possible to be with us.
It is intended if possible to formulate a place to provide a first class coach for this year's football team, to promote the success of its efforts, and to give the school the benefit of such legitimate advertising as might properly accrue thereby -
Your attention would have been called to the dinner by a personal call, had I not felt that you could not spare the time to see me, and if that impression is mistaken I shall be more than happy to so supplement this note.
Failing that, please construe this as the most cordial extension of the Association's hospitality which can be committed to paper, and bear in mind that Adelphi students, past and present, while they may differ with you in some things, will always cherish a profound respect and admiration for your lasting achievements on behalf of the school,
Sincerely yours
Mortimer W. Byers
President A.A.A.A.