The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
June 6 1904
My dear Governor
It seems that Mr. Wheeler will probably be unable to sign checks for any purpose for some time perhaps for two weeks. He is said to be improving - but the process is slow, and the doctor forbids any intrusion of business. The trouble is with the liver.
Now salaries are due at the end of this week & some bills must be paid - The Mechanics Bank says that if you will write to it a letter asking that C. L. Rossiter's name be accepted on the checks for the salaries - they will honor his signature on the checks for that purpose, as he is chairman of the Finance Committee. It seems to me however that it would be better if you would call a meeting of the Exec. Com. on Wednesday. - state in the call that the purpose is to choose a Treasurer pro tem. I think that Mr. Palmer should be chosen if he will consent. Such a meeting could be held at your call anywhere & at any time in this office or in yours & it would not delay us long.
Then Sec. Crane could serve formal notice on the Mechanics Bank that the institution has an Acting Treasurer.
The Exec. Com. now consists of yourself & Messrs. Benedict, Wheeler, Crane, Rossiter, McDermott & Levermore.
This Com. is empowered by the By-Laws to do such things. Sorry to trouble you when you are so busy but Mr. Wheeler's unfortunate illness has put us into difficulties. The diplomas, certificates, etc. that you were to sign have all been sent to you, I believe -
Faithfully Yours
C. H. Levermore