The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
May 15, 1905
My dear Woodruff
I have run away for a day or two in a search for a Professor of English Literature. I expect to return on Wednesday. I believe that I have not yet told you about my interview with Wm. H. Nichols. I spent last Thursday evening with him. He expresses himself as ready to join with representatives of our Board in a conference concerning ways & means of developing our two institutions together and of securing an adequate endowment, site, etc. He hopes that the scheme will take shape in the discussions necessitated by Grout's letter. The Poly Board referred that letter to a committee consisting of Messrs. Nichols, Lyman & Raymond. The latter was named because of his position at the L. I. Medical School. Mr. Nichols hopes that our Board will name a committee which will be prepared to deliberate with his committee & with persons directly representing the Medical College group of schools not so much about the Grant letter as about the formation of a Union Endowment Committee. He thinks - and so do I - that the counter-preposition made by such a committee would side-track the Grout committee. He thinks that the track will be free for us as soon as the Academy of Music project is finished. That is a large obstacle but I am delighted to find some one at the Poly who takes statesmanlike views & is ready to move.
The chief thing now is to get started.
Very Sincerely Yours
C. H. Levermore