The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
June 2, 1905
My dear Governor -
If the Exec. Com. meeting has not been yet called. I feel pretty sure that it will be difficult to get the members together for business on Sat. afternoon.
The matter that it needs to prepare for will need some discussion I fancy. You have my letter of May 23d. I presume That committee which my motion calls for to cooperate with Mr. Nichols' committee of "Poly" folks in the consideration of affiliation & endowments & the Grant letter might be named by you now without the Exec. Com. & the names could be announced at the next Board meeting - which will be on June 12 . It might be a good thing to have that committee having the way & putting down wires during the summer. We have to try to consolidate & set up a strong college in Brooklyn & we will need all the reflection & all the help that we can command.
I am sorry that you could not come on with Mrs. Woodruff to see this big company of young folks. Put it down for next Fall without fail. My letter of May 23d was intended to show that Mr. Nissen, one of our new members was actively interested in the Metz candidacy & was not inclined to favor speedy favorable action. It will go over till next Fall now anyway. I suppose & by that time I fancy that we can all agree about Mr. Metz. I have wanted to get him on our Board but have been somewhat shaken in my seal for action by Mr. Nissen's conservative attitude.
The scholarships created here four years ago by Henry W. Maxwell & Charles A. Moore are vacated this year by the graduation of the incumbents - four Maxwell & two Moore scholars. They have all been splendid students.
I am intending to see to it that they send thanks to J. R. Maxwell & Mr. Moore for what they have rec'd. Would it not be wise for you to suggest to those two gentlemen the desirability of continuing these benefactions in the names of the original donors probably?
Why should not such scholarships be made permanent? I have reason to believe that Henry W. Maxwell intended to make his permanent, altho unfortunately he did not live long enough to put that clause into his will.
Yours Very Sincerely
C. H. Levermore