The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
Woodruff Date
Aug. 7, 1903.
Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States,
Oyster Bay, N.Y.
My dear Mr. President:-
I took the liberty of suggesting to you some time ago, that in coming to Syracuse for Labor Day September 7th, you arrange to spend a day or two at my camp in the Adirondacks. You replied that you felt you should spend all the time you possibly could at Oyster Bay. I take the extreme liberty of renewing the invitation now, in the hope that you will realize the benefit that would accrue from a change from the sea to the mountain air and the opportunity such a visit would afford to get a few days good hunting and tramping in the Woods.
Why not bring some of the boys, and if they enjoy it, as I know they will, leave them up there while we are in Syracuse, picking them up on your return to New York.
If Mrs. Roosevelt could leave home and would accompany you, it would afford Mrs. Woodruff and me extreme pleasure to have her also visit us.
You will remember when you were Governor, you several times expected to go up with me but something always came up at the last minute to prevent. I have been of the opinion that I was a pretty busy man, but I marvel at your wonderful energy. It would seem as though you never let up a minute, and the most extraordinary thing about it is that it does not seem to impair your excellent health or strength.
With very best wishes, and hoping you can arrange to make the visit so much desired by Mrs. Woodruff and me, I beg to remain,
Yours most repectfully,