The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
July 27 '04
Dearest Dad
Just back from the woods today after spending yesterday at the Adirondacks League club. I got Hector Haremeyer to have Denis build his Camp on Little Morse Lake which he will start when he is finished at Kora. We had a great time up there six of us including Esty who is a dandy, I think when we left there the Haremeyers insisted that he come down with them and spend a week here which he very gladly accepted. He was a great aid to me when all the fellows were up there.
I forgot to tell you what wonderful fishing we have had in the lake. Nobody has gone out in either party who has returned with less than 10 or 12 and last Sunday Hector and his wife caught 33 yesterday. Miss Woodruff caught 18 and the day before something over 40 were brought in by 2 boats. I guess raising the lake made quite a difference. Moreover over 2/3 of all these catches came from the hole inn the outlet between the rocks and the temporary dam. Miss Woodruff caught all hers there and they averaged well over 1/2 lb. all this proves to me that the trout beginn to run down the stream about this time of year but are now stopped by the dam. So, it seems to me, that in years past we have only been stocking Morse River by stocking our lake because nothing like the number or size of trout that go down come

back up. I should think the scheme would be to keep them from going down in the Fall but open up to let them in in the Spring.
Everything seems to be going along beautifully at Camp; never saw the place look so beautiful. I leave for my "tour of the west" Monday. Today I wrote to Mr Farnham for my first check of $250 which I will make last as long as possible. Now that I am out of college I am taking things much easier and looking at everything in a more sober and

Sensible tight as you will notice when you return. I am perfectly prepared to settle down to hard-work and in fact am looking forward to it. I want very much to start in in the factory in Syracuse where you are so much interested and have so many friends who would help me so much on account of their regard for you.
You can't imagine how much

I miss you and darling Mother It seems impossible to believe that she is not with you since she is not with me. Never, never Father, will we cease to mourn her and realize what a wonderful companion we have lost.' As you say, no sweeter woman ever lived or ever will. If the Mother of my children is half as thoughtful or half as sweet as she always was they may thank God and deem themselves most fortunate. Somehow or other I miss her more as time goes on, never will I be able to adapt myself to the space her death left vacant in my life. At first

I thought I could, I thought the coming on of new events would fill it up, but now I know they never can. All I can say is, God Bless her and treat her as she did you and me.
With love for your own dear self I am devotedly your son