The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff Date
April 28, 1904.
Dr. Charles H. Levermore,
Adelphi College,
My dear Levermore:
The next meeting of the Board, I believe, will regularly take place on Monday the sixteenth of May. I think I am correct in the belief that the Board Meetings are held the third Monday in the month. Now, I cannot be in the City on that date. In talking with Mr. Rossiter last evening about it, he suggested that it was important that I should be present at this annual meeting and advised the calling of the meeting in the regular way and the sending of a notice that owing to my inability to be present, the meeting would be adjourned or postponed until a later date, which I would suggest - if you approve of the plan - be Thursday May twenty-sixth. Then just before that meeting it might be well to send a special plea to each member of the Board to attend. I am still trying to arrange matters so as to be with you on Commencement, June 14th, but I have considerable doubt as to my ability to do so. That is the date I should be in the far West. You know that during the entire winter, on account of Mrs. Woodruff's condition, I who obliged to neglect my business interests to a very considerable extent. I only went to Syracuse two or three time for a day or so at a time, and was unable to go out among our branch offices which I felt was very desirable. It would seem as though I must do it now, especially in view of the fact that I am going to Europe to look after our business interests over there on the first of July. I hope everything is getting along nicely with you.
Sincerely yours,