The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Dearest Father.
I don't understand why I haven't heard from you if you arrived on the 9th. I wish you would hurry that check up a bit as I have already had to borrow $20 and when I leave here the end of next week I will have about a $45 hotel bill to pay.
Of course I am waiting anxiously for some political news; whenever there is anything specially interestinng in the papers please send it on.
I am having simply the time of my life here, my only regret being that you are not here too. I'm sure you would enjoy every minute. I have been playing a great game of golf and have lasted up to the final round in the championship against some of the best players in Chicago.

I began the final round of 36 holes this morning, my opponent is a Mr Forgan, a Scotchman and the president of the Chicago National bank; he is the champion of the Outerentsia golf club; the finest of the 30 clubs in the vicinity of Chicago. We finished the first 18 holes this morning and I am 2 up so if I can hold this advantage this P.M. I will be this years champion I went the 18 holes in 75 to his 78 which is 7 strokes better than bogey; if you know what that means.
From here the Watsons and I are going to Evanston which is some 16 miles out of Chicago. What I want to do is to stay there for a couple of weeks, then take in the Fair for, say a week, and get home in time for the Convention if you run, or if not I want to stay in St Louis for the great golf carnival which comes off the last week in September. I know