The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 8th, 1904.
Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff,
339 Broadway,
New York City.
My dear Woodruff:-
Your letter is just at hand, and I am very much interested in your report of the conversation with Messrs. Murphy and Babbott. I did not believe that Mr. Murphy would accept the invitation, but I have no doubt that it was a politic thing to make the offer. Mr. Babbott's part in the conversation, and the suggestion of a possible interest on the part of the Packer people in schemes for consolidation, open some new views to me.
Up to this time I have always supposed that Dr. Backus and his associates would not wish to be considered at all in any such project. The people most dominant in the affairs of Packer Institute have turned down propositions looking towards Collegiate developments in their own institution, and I have supposed that they wanted the school to be an old-fashioned seminary for girls and nothing more.
I think that the proposition to sell the present properties of these institutions would have to include some plan for taking care of the preparatory work of all of them. If we should buy a site on the Eastern Parkway we might house Collegiate work there very comfortably, but it
be a poor place for the Academic work of either the Polytechnic or the Adelphi. Moreover, one of the chief arguments for getting the separate site is that we should disassociate the College life from the Academy life. Adelphi Academy is a prosperous school, and would undoubtedly need the present buildings even if the College went out of them. The Polytechnic Preparatory School likewise, would need to take the new building down there, and sell the
one for old junk, if the technical work were placed somewhere else.
As I mailed a letter to you yesterday announcing that Judge Crane would call the meeting of the Board for Thursday evening, December 22nd, I take it for granted that you have received that letter this morning, and that consequently you will not look for any telegram this afternoon.
[marginalia] With reference to the Eastern Parkway site, I understand that the new subway is to run under that Parkway, which will make that region very accessible, and within a year or two will increase values there very much.
What has Chicago done that it should be so much preferred to Brooklyn by the Rochfeller bounty? Perhaps we ought to include in our scheme of expansion the proposal to start a theological seminary under Baptist auspices in connection with the new Lond Island University. I think that there is no training school for Baptist preachers in our metropolis. With cordial greetings
Very Sincerely Yours
Charles H. Levermore