The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Dearest Father
I arrived this A.M. at Harbor Springs and am pretty tired but I thought I would drop you a line which you will get shortlyter your arrival in New York.
I struck Chicago last Thursday night which I spent at the Auditorium Annex with Couro Fierd. Friday morning we took an early train to Midlothian where his family live in the Summer. Then Saturday we journeyed to Racine to stay with the Bulls over night; you will remember having Jeanette Bull and her Aunt and Uncle Mr and Mrs Robinson who also live in Racine for supper at the Beaux Arts the night it hailed so. Sunday we returned to Midlothian and the following night I left for here, a 12 hour trip on the train from

Chicago. They have a delightful golf links here where I played a very good game today taking 77 for the 18 holes which is about as well as anyone has done this year. By the time I leave I ought to lower the record several strokes. Father, you would be amazed to see the game of golf I play. Really I am sure that in a ywar or two if I have time to develope it that I will be among the very best in the Country.
I wrote you a long letter about two weeks from Seabright when I thought you would not return till the 15th; I suppose it will be forwarded to you
Now I have something of a services nature to communicate and I dread to do it knowing how strongly you feel about such a thing but while on my way to the golf club at Racine Saturday I dropped my pocket book and lost $80. It was in

a large wallett in my hip pocket; I was riding in a Fall two wheeled dog card which was very jolty so that one of the ribs of the back of my seat must have worked my wallett up through my pocket. The rest of our party coming along 10 minutes later found it in the middle of the road about 100 yards from the club House. Most of the papers and cards had also fallen out but evidently someone had selected the money from among them and made off. We hunted for a half hour all around through the bushes but not a sign of the $80. I had already bought my ticket to Harbor Springs and had $28 in another smaller pocket book which was rather lucky. However losing that $80 completely took the spirits out of me and made me despondent and sore at everyone and everything in general for days and has hardly worked off yet. This is the first time I have lost anything sice two years ago when I lost $18 and I can give you my word it will never happen again. I don't know whenn I have felt so badly about anythinng. I had kept an accurate account of every cent I have spent sice I got $250 from Mr Farnham a week or so ago and I thought I had been doing very well not having spent a cent on anything but the absolute necessities of the trip when lo! and behold! I lose what I had been trying to save. The result is Father, I am compelled to wwrite for whatever more you can spare me and I promise I will be more than careful of whatever you send.
I have economised on my room here. They had for me a $5 a day room on the first floor but I had it

changed to a $20 a week room on the third floor which is the cheapest room in the club but just as comfortable as any other as long as all I need it for is a place to sleep in and a storage room for my clothes.
Mrs Watson and Genie of course are here and in excellent health and spirits. The latter is sweeter and more attractive than ever; I got here to find her quite the belle of the place.
We expect the Petits up here in a day or so.
Must close now. Will write soon again.
Give me the news when you get time. With dearest love
August 10th '04.