The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Oct 12 04
Dearest Father
Not much news. Your telegram received and work on the New room will be pushed right along although as yet only half the stone foundation has bee laid. The more I think of it the better assured I feel that the building can set as low as you planned and yet be O.K. stil I thought it best that Genie should explain it to you.
It has been snowing quite hard. It does seem as if we could not get a clear day though snow is much more preferable than rain.
Don't forget to bring my small grip up with you; the other had

better be sent to Bklyn, we have begun to net the brown trout, caught three large ones yesterday; one weighed 6 1/2 lbs and the other two 4 each. This is about the last chance we will have to catch them out with any success because when they scatter to the other two lakes they will be hard to find. As we only have one decent net here I have sent to Mr Davis to come in if he can with two or three state nets which we could borrow for the rest of the Fall till the ice comes I am also catching as many success out as possible letting the shivers go because there are none too many of them when

you think that what are in this lake must spread to the other two lakes to feed the tens of thousands of trout that you will put in the other lakes.
There is no more news. I am very well indeed, gaining every day, and only hope that you won't come up here all played out.
Arthur Haremeyer has just returned from the west, where he has been for some time, and spent a couple of days last week in New Haven where he made out the amount the Wolf's Head men owe the Hall. I received my final indebtedness a couple of days ago from him $134.04. This includes all

of what I incurred in the Hall during May and June as well as my share in the expenses of reunion and graduation week besides my share in extended improvements which our class donated. My donation to the running expeses of the Hall was $200 of which I had paid $175 so this $25 deficiency is also included in this final bill. I wish very much that you would send Arthur a check for that amount, $134.04, to East 57th St near 5th Ave.
I was entered on your payroll Monday sice when I have been doing a good 10 hours work a day, I decided not to go to Russeau camp.
Devotedly John