The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Levermore, Charles Herbert (1856-1927)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Brooklyn, N.Y., April 29, 1904.
Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff,
287 Broadway, New York.
My dear Woodruff:-
By all means, we want you to be present at the May meeting. If Thursday evening, May 26th, is the time which would best suit your convenience, please put that down at once among your engagements, and I will ask the office here to send out the notices for the meeting of the Board in accordance with the suggestion contained in your letter which I have just received.
About Commencement, I hope that if you can you will be with us. I have not yet seen Mr. Taylor about the oration, but expect to do so within a day or two, unless I hear from you that some outsider can be secured. No new names have been suggested to me excepting the name of Stewart L. Woodford.
Do you think that he would be any better for us than Mr. Taylor?
[marginalia] Since I dictated the foregoing Judge Crane has telephoned me that McDermott, our "new member" wants to invite John F. Carson of Philadelphia, a personal friend, I think.
Have you any wish to express?
I wish that you & Mr. Wheeler & Fred Crane & I could get together before the May meeting and talk over questions of policy, such as I partially outlined in a recent letter -
Our Board of Trustees & afterwards, the community need to see just what course we are to shape in navigating this ship of ours.
Garrison the Faith
C. H. Levermore