The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Dearest Father
Just a line to say that whether I come down or not the Watsons only want a small room with a double bed in whatever hotel you choose because Genie may stay at Mary Belle Hudsons and Mrs Watson wants spend as little as possible on the room. It would be very nice if you could meet them if I dont go down but if I do just let me know by Saturday night where you have the room and I can take them there. I think they will stay in New York two nights.
The rainy spell is still on but the work of filling up behind the lean-tos seems to go on just as rapidly as if the weather were clear. It is simply appalling the amount of work that filling up requires. Jack has the work very system-atically arranged and the four husky teams leg it as fast as they can back and forth and yet there isn't a great deal to show for each day's work. They draw about 130 loads a day.
Jack was rather surprised that you expected to see much accomplished on the new building when you got here the 15th. The head stone mason, Kathlan I think is his name, has only been here two days - had to go out for several days to a convention - so there has only been one mason here who of course alone could not do much towards getting the stone for the foundation but Jack has got Kathlan and a third mason coming in in a day or two; he's going to have them work overtime to get as much as possible doe before you and the architect get here Jack has put his whole force on this

filling up so no logs have yet been cut for the new building. Dennis also has been handicapped in that he has been the only carpenter but now McDowell seems to be tied-up on the dam because of his neglect to order more cement till a few days ago - the original supply gave out yesterday - so Jack is going to enroll his carpenter and the another one is coming in in a few days. you see this filling up is something that must be done before the cold comes and as it's such a big undertaking Jack was wise, I think, in putting all his energies on that.
They have moved the lean-to wood pile to a place behind the wash house and have levelled the ground down between the camp and

the lean-tos; this space will make the prettiest stretch of lawn about the camp - it's all ready now for it's coat of top-dressing.
I've just talked with Jack and he wants me to tell you a few things in this letter as he hasn't time today to write. Three carpenters will be workig this afternoon finishing up the butters pantry. Pete & Jim Brannon are cutting logs for the new room and the stone mason has nearly enough stone cut for the foundation so when the other masons come they can just pile the stones in. The foundation hole has been dug and I do think that the work will go on very rapidly. Jack promises to have the building well along when you get here. He also acknowledges receipt of books and trunk.