The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Dearest Father
Your last letter to me said that you wanted me to write you of our plans so you would surely get the letter on Monday when you went to the office as I sent one letter out on the Saturday noon train and another Sunday night with Vanderbilt private car.
We leave Monday noon. Now I want to ask you what you think of my staying up here. If you think it is a good plan my not going to the Fair then I think I might much better remain up here and get all the rest and good health possible before the week at Suzanne's. There isn't much object my taking that tiresome trip down to turn around and take the tiresome trip back again

In one case of staying here I would then go down the 21st so as to register the 2nd. That would give me three days to get ready to go to Milwaukee. Also that would give me a good chance to buy Suzanne's wedding present.
I have taken a great deal of interest in the work here and help as much of the time as I can spare from entertaining the Watsons. I should don't now about four hours a day. If I stay up here after the eve go I will keep the same hours as the men, eat with them and derise very much benefit from it. Of course I would put a valuation on my services, about 2 few day, because though I might not do as much work I would be valuable as an inspiration to them "n'est pas"?

There is one very important thing I want to speak to you about and that is Genie's engagement ring. Now that it is pratically announced and everyone knows of it she certainly ought to have the ring. I want to take it to Milwaukee with me as we may officially announce it there. Don't you think it would be better to take one of Mother's real diamonds and have it set as a solitaire than to sink money in another? Genie's mind is absolutely set on a ring of her own and would not wear one of Mother's but if one of Mother's diamonds is set in a ring it would not be one of Mother's rings and Genie need never know that the diamond isn't a new one. If this plan meets your approval you could bring one or two of the best

sized stones up with you the 15th, If I don't go down the 10th, and we could select one. It must be absolutely the best and most beautiful ring money can buy; certainly Genie deserves such a one even if I don't.
The Herald article you enclosed to Jack was only a fragment of the article I supppose as it was just the tail-end about a buck and two does you killed. Can't you get ahold of a whole article so we can all read it.
Please send up some stub pens and 4 boxes of 303 cartidges; we are nearly out of them.
With love from all I am
P.S. I did not briany of your letters up here though I told Marie I though I would bring up just one that was there but that was an advertisement.