The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Griffin, Jennie C.
My dear Mrs Griffin
When I got Mr Smith's letter about wanting facts conncerning my wedding I spoke to Father about it and told him I didn't know what was meant unless it were to date which hasn't as yet been decided on. I can't see that there are any other facts needed. We don't know for sure where we are to live after we get back from Europe. The only thing I am sure of now is a marriage about the 1st of June with a week at camp for a starter in the way of a honeymoon and then a trip abroad. I haven't asked my ushers yet and Miss Watson hasn't decided on her brides maids all this will be done next week while I am in Columbus. Anyway, I don't see why Mr Smith is in such a hurry for all this when it probably won't be published till within a week of the wedding during to so many changes generally made in the bridal party and other arrangements just before the weddig noone ever gives for publication the make up of the bridal party till within a week of the wedding at the earliest and generally not until the day before. I should like to hear from you about all this and if there is anything you must know now I will do my best to inform you.
I enclose some bills to be paid.
Yours most Sincerely
John E. Woodruff
479 East Broad Street
Columbus Ohio