The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, John Eastman (1881-1968)
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
Dearest father
This is the best thing I can find to write you on. I will certainly come down Friday and stay over till Saturday noon. I'll try to make another date with Wyllis Terry for Friday afternoon.
As to Dr. Cady's bill, unless it covers a good deal of work that was done last Spring as well as that done this fall, there is a mistake. Even if it does cover all the work done by him it is pretty much outrageous, I should say through I haven't much idea how the chargres of New York dentists compares with that of others. I appreciate your paying my term bill and have taken very seriously to heart what you say about economy. As I write you once before I allow myself no luxuries whatever this year such as clothes, theatres or meals at Moreys; my only one is gold and I do spend a good deal of money on that but the game has such prominence as a game and as a social pastime that I consider the money well spent. Of course being a fine golfer does not gain the man a great deal of prominence in college such as football or base-ball does but it has these last two lashed to the mast in after life, from the time a man graduates till he toys with his grandchildren. Do you remember our game at the Albanny Country club years ago! I could have shot the ball at 100 feet more times than I could but it with a club and as for you the less said the better.
Although my application for a room at the New Haven House comes in a bit late I think the wires will work.
If you get any chance to bet lay it on as we are more than satisfied with our chances. I am going to write Mr Frank Platt and Joe Vernon to try to have them up here that day, November 17 for our reunion so I will offer to procure them football seats which means that I will need all of your and my applications. If you have promised seats to anyone or expect to need any let me know as soon as possible so I can arrange it.
I have seen about rooms for the game since writing the above. I find that there is no single room with a bath which means that to have a bath you must take two rooms from Friday noon to Sunday 6 P.M. which costs $40. for the two days including meals for 4 people which above would come to $12 or $15. I must let Mr Johnson know your decision by Wednesday night. One room with two beds will cost for those two days $8.
I will write again before Friday.
Dearest love to Mother and you.
Monday Oct, 12. 1903