The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Griffin, Jennie C.
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Woodruff Date
August 19/09.
Hon. Timothy L. Woodruff,
c/o Pneumelectric Machine Company,
583 So. Clinton Street,
Syracuse, N.Y.
My dear Mr. Woodruff:
Your letter of yesterday to hand this morning. Everything in your letter concerning which you telephoned the office had been attended to. I asked Mr. Kissell to write to you direct about the selection of Page and any other information he could give you concerning the meeting.
I wired you last night that Mr. Perrin would go up with Dr. James and the others on Friday night. Rodman is the only one we have not heard from and I do not think it necessary to send him another telegram, as he did not acknowledge your letter or the telegram we sent him the day before you left for Saratoga.
The blank checek was sent to you last night.
I note what you say about Swope and will speak to Mr. Little about it when he comes to the City. I had expected him today; but may be he will be in tomorrow.
Regarding Abercrombie and Fitch's bill, the first bill to which you refer was merely a memorandum stating that you owed that amount and asking if it was all right. Later they sent an itemized bill. At the bottom of the first memorandum was a note saying that this was sent out merely for checking purposes and it was similar to the amount of the second bill.
I am enclosing a note this morning from Dobson, asking when you are in the City to call him on the 'phone. You may wish to drop him a line.
Collins of Sagamore Lodge writes that he will get into communication with Mr. Merriam about the fish. He says Mr. Vanderbilt is now in New York or Newport.
Yours faithfully,