TO ODELL, APRIL 29, 1904

The Timothy Lester Woodruff Papers: A Digital Resource
Woodruff, Timothy Lester (1858-1913)
Odell, Benjamin Barker, Jr. (1854-1926)
Woodruff Date
April 29, 1904.
Hon. B. B. Odell, Jr.,
Executive Chamber,
Albany, N.Y.
My dear Governor Odell:
I wish you would approve the bill introduced by Mr. Remsen in relation to the E. F. Linton Real Estate Co. This bill conveys no additional rights. It merely revives a company that died by a failure to remember in time that its life was limited and it was not until a search was made, during the progress of a transfer of a piece of land, that it was discovered the company's life had been extinguished and a clear title could not be conveyed. The bill passed without any opposition. Linton is a good Republican and is entitled to consideration. He needs this legislation to enable him to carry on his business. I trust you will sign the bill.
Yours very truly,